3rd International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark-Gluon Plasma 17-21 March, 1997, Jaipur (India) Dear participants, Here are the tel/fax numbers for the important hotels where you are booked. In case of problem you can also contact the office/home tel numbers of the members of the Local organising committee. Hotel Clarks Amer : tel: 91 141 550616 fax: 91 141 550013 Hotel jaipur Palace : tel: 91 141 512961 fax: 91 141 512966 Hotel Narain Niwas : tel: 91 141 561291 fax: 91 141 563448 Hotel Chokhi Dhani : tel: 91 141 583534 (village resort) tel: 91 141 382034 (city office) fax: 91 141 381888 (city office) Hotel Mangal : tel: 91 141 375126 Hotel Jai Mangal : tel: 91 141 378901 Within India (outside Jaipur) dial 0141 xxxxxx Within Jaipur dial last six digits only. Other important numbers : Sudhir Raniwala/ Rasmi Raniwala : 91 141 381059 (res.) K.B. Bhalla 91 141 650287 (res.) Secretariat office (Raj. Univ.) 91 141 511239 (limited service) Rajsthan Travel Service : tel: 91 141 365408 fax: 91 141 376935 UPTO 10th March, 1997: ICPA-QGP '97 Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre 1/AF, Bidhan Nagar , Calcutta - 700064 INDIA.Tel: 91 33 3370032/1230 Fax: 91 33 3346871 Telegram: VECBARC CALCUTTA, Telex: 21-4526 VECC IN
Email: ICPAQGP@VECCAL.ERNET.IN After 10th March, 1997: Convener/Secretary ICPAQGP '97 Department of Physics University of Rajasthan Jaipur - 302004 (India) Tel: 91 141 515828, 511239 Fax: 91 141 511912, 515828
Important telephone numbers at Jaipur: B.K. Sharma ------ Off: 515828, 511239 Res: 381582 (Chairman, Local Organising Committee) K.B. Bhalla ------- Off. 511239 Res: 650287 (Convener, Local Organising Committee) Sudhir Raniwala ------- Res: 381059 (Secretary, Local Organising Committee) Rashmi Raniwala ------- Res: 381059
3rd International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of
Quark-Gluon Plasma
(ICPA-QGP '97)
March 17-21, 1997, Jaipur (India)
1730:2000 Registration 16.3.97
1800:2000 WELCOME RECEPTION, 16.03.97
********* ***************************
0800:0930 Registration 17.3.97
0930:1000 Inauguration 17.3.97
1000:1045 TEA BREAK
Session I 17.3.97 Chairperson : R. Chidambaram, Mumbai
1045:1130 J. Schukraft, CERN, Overview (Experiment)
1130:1215 J.P. Blaizot, Saclay, Overview (Theory)
1215:1300 D. Schramm, Chicago, Overview (Astrophysics)
1300:1400 LUNCH BREAK
Session II 17.3.97, Chairperson : S. Loknathan, Bangalore
1400:1430 F. Antinori, Padova, Strangeness : Experimental
1430:1500 J. Cleyamns, Cape Town, Strangeness : Theoretical
1500:1530 T. Trainor, Seatle, Event--by--Event Physics
1530:1600 TEA BREAK
Session III 17.3.97, Chairperson : J.C. Parikh, Ahmedabad
1600:1630 F. Karsch, Bielefeld, Finite temperature Lattice
1630:1600 K. Kanaya, Tsukuba, Lattice QCD.
1700:1730 L. McLerran, Minnesota, Initial conditions in nuclear
Session IV 18.3.97, Chairperson : F. Plasil, Oak Ridge
0900:0930 T. Awes, Oak Ridge, Experimental status on photon
0930:1000 D.K. Srivastava, Calcutta, Single photons in RHI
1000:1030 S. Muroya, Yamaguchi, Thermal photons from QGP fluid.
1030:1050 S. Chattopadhyay, Calcutta, Results from WA93
1050:1120 TEA BREAK
Session V 18.3.97, Chairperson : B. Dutta Roy, Calcutta
1120:1150 A.M. Srivastava, Bhubaneswar, DCC Theories.
1150:1220 T.K. Nayak, Calcutta, DCC : Experimental searches.
1220:1250 D. Morrison, Tennessee, Global observables in nuclear
1250:1310 M.M. Aggarwal, Chandigarh, Results from emulsion
1310:1400 LUNCH BREAK
1500:1600 Parallel Session P1/P2
1600:1630 TEA BREAK
1630:1750 Parallel Session P3/P4
Session VI 19.3.97, Chairperson : J.N. De, Calcutta
0900:0930 J. Madsen, Aarhus, Strange quark matter in the cosmos
in laboratory.
0930:1000 S. Raha, Calcutta, QCD phase transition in the early
1000:1020 B. Datta, Bangalore, Quark Stars in compact
1020:1040 F. Weber, Munich, Hybrid stars.
1040:1110 TEA BREAK
Session VII 19.3.97, Chairperson : T. Hallman, Brookhaven
1110:1140 P. Jacobs, Berkeley, Single particle spectra.
1140:1200 S. Nishimura, Tsukuba, Hadron measurements
WA98 experiment.
1200:1220 J. Simon-Gillo, Los Alamos, $d$ and
$\overline d$
production at SPS energy.
1220:1300 LUNCH BREAK
1300:1800 EXCURSION 19.3.97
\end tabbing
Session VIII 20.3.97, Chairperson : P.K. Kaw, Gandhinagar
0900:0930 P. Braun-Munzinger, Darmstadt, Collective expansion
and directed flow.
0930:1000 J. Dodd, Columbia, HBT : Experimental status.
1000:1030 J. Kapusta, Minnesota, LEXUS models.
1030:1100 TEA BREAK
Session IX 20.3.97, Chairperson : S. S. Kapoor, Mumbai
1100:1130 J. Harris, Yale, Physics capabilities and Status of
1130:1200 M. Brooks, Los Alamos, Physics capabilities and
Status of
1200:1220 B. Wyslouch, MIT, Physics capabilities and status of
1220:1300 G. Paic, CERN, Heavy ion experiments at LHC.
1300:1400 LUNCH BREAK
1400:1520 Parallel Session P5/P6
1520:1550 TEA BREAK
1550:1730 Parallel Session P7/P8
********* ************************
********* ************************
Session X : 21.3.97, Chairperson : B.K. Jain, Mumbai
0900:0930 Axel Drees, Heidelberg, Low mass dileptons.
0930:1000 C. Gale, McGill, Lepton pair production.
1000:1030 K. Werner, Nantes, Semi--hard processes in nuclear
1030:1050 J. Alam, Calcutta, E.M. probes of QGP -- in
succesive equilibrium scenario.
1050:1120 TEA BREAK
Session XI : 21.3.97, Chairperson : Y. Miake, Tsukuba
1120:1150 M. Gonin, Palaiseau, J/$\psi$ : Experimental status.
1150:1220 D. Kharzeev, Bielefeld, J/$\psi$ : QGP
1220:1240 Y. Musakhanov, Taskent, Nucleon-Skyrmion properties.
1240:1300 W. Christie, Brookhaven, High $p_T$ physics at
1300:1400 LUNCH BREAK
Session XII : Summary 21.3.97, Chairperson : B. Sinha,
1400:1440 H. Satz, Bielefeld, Conference Summary (Theory).
1440:1520 H. Gutbrod, Nantes, Conference Summary
1520:1530 B. Sinha, Calcutta, Concluding remarks.
\end tabbing
Session P1 (Parallel) 18.3.97, Chairperson : R.K. Chaudhury,
1500:1520 C. Blume (WA98 Collab.), Muenster, Neutral mesons in Pb Pb
1520:1540 M. Murray (NA44 Collab.), Centrality dependence of hadron
1540:1600 J.J. Gaardhoje, Copenhagen, Freeze-out times in URHI
Session P2 (Parallel) 18.3.97, Chairperson : N. Porile,
W. Lafayette
1500:1520 R.S. Bhalerao, Mumbai, $\phi$-meson mass modification in
heavy ion collisions.
1520:1540 A.K. Dutta Mazumder, Calcutta, Dilepton yield with Bose
enhancement of decay widths.
1540:1600 A. Bhattacharya, Calcutta, $\phi$-meson in hot medium.
1600:1630 TEA BREAK
Session P3 (Parallel) 18.3.97, Chairperson : L.K. Mangotra,
1630:1650 W. Retyk (NA35 Collab.), Warsaw, $\overline \Xi /
\overline \Lambda$ ratio in S+Au collisions.
1650:1710 I. Bombaci, Pisa, Observational evidence for strange
1710:1730 M. Dey, Calcutta, Nuclear matter mean field EOS.
1730:1750 J. Pasupathy, Bangalore, PCAC in nuclear medium and the LSV
Session P4 (Parallel) 18.3.97,Chairperson : L. Satpathy,
1630:1650 A.K. Ganguly, Bangalore, QGP in the flux tube model.
1650:1710 S. Datta, Mumbai, SO(3) lattice gauge theory at finite
1710:1730 M. Steuer (L3 Collab.), CERN, QCD in e$^+$e$^-$
collisions at high energies.
1730:1750 M. Nagasawa, Kyoto, Sound speed during QCD phase
Session P5 (Parallel) 20.3.97, Chairperson : V.S. Bhatia,
1400:1420 B.K. Nandi (WA98 Collab.), Bhubaneswar, Search for DCC by
wavelet method.
1420:1440 B. Bambah, Hyderabad, Generalised states for multipion
production and DCC.
1440:1500 S. Digal, Bhubaneswar, Skyrmion production in chiral phase
1500:1520 M. Kurata (WA98 Collab.), Tsukuba, Flow dependence of
hadron production.
1520:1540 S. Sadovsky, Moscow, Generator for Centauro event
Session P6 (Parallel) 20.3.97, Chairperson : S.K. Gupta,
1400:1420 R. Venugopalan, Copenhagen, Dynamics of nuclear colisions
at early times.
1420:1440 S.M.H. Wong, Wuppertal, The equilibration of a parton
1440:1500 M. Mustafa, Calcutta, Chemical equilibration of an
expanding QGP.
1500:1520 S. Konar, Bangalore, Transport properties of quark matter.
1520:1540 G.C. Nayak, Kanpur, Pre-equilibrium evolution of
non-Abelian plasma.
1540:1610 TEA BREAK
Session P7 (Parallel) 20.3.97, Chairperson : K.B. Bhalla,
1610:1630 H. Kalechofsky (WA98 Collab.), Geneva, Event analysis of
hadronic spectra.
1630:1650 M. Bedjidian (CMS Collab.), Lyon, $(b \overline b)$ and
$(c \overline c)$ resonance detection.
1650:1710 V. Kumar (EMU01 Collab.), Jaipur, Multifragment and
multiparticle correlations.
1710:1730 D.J. Schwarz, Zurich, Distortions of the
Harrison-Zel'dovich spectrum.
1730:1750 S.K. Karn, Delhi, On the stability of diquark stars.
Session P8 (Parallel) 20.3.97, Chairperson : V.P. Gautam,
1610:1630 A.K. Chaudhury, Calcutta, Photons and dileptons from HI
collisions at SPS.
1630:1650 P.K. Roy, Calcutta, Soft e.m. radiation from RHI
1650:1710 S. Sengupta, Ahmedabad, Particle simulation of collective
1710:1730 A.K. Mohanty, Mumbai, Dileption production in RHI
1730:1750 S. Pal, Calcutta, Properties of neutron stars in strong
magnetic fields.
Registration fee for the conference will be as
The fee includes Conference proceedings, lunches and
the Conference Dinner. Accompanying person may also be
registered for US $ 200.00 covering all the entitlements of
the participants except the proceedings.
The payment must be made through a cheque/bank draft
payable to "International Conference on Physics and
Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma". Please use
while mailing your cheque / bank draft to the Convener.
Transportation from Delhi to Jaipur: Air/Rail/Road
By Air: Domestic flights (A detailed schedule will be posted here soon)
By Rail: (A detailed schedule will be posted here soon)
By Road:
Accommodation for the participants is being arranged in the following
hotels/resort.Approximate distances from the Conference venue is also
The Conference will begin with the Inaugural session at 0930 hrs on 17th
March'97 and end with the summary session at 1600 hrs on 21st March '97.
Parallel sessions will be held on the afternoon of 18th and 20th March '97.
Detailed Programme of the sessions will be posted on the web in the last
week of February and also distributed to the participants on arrival at
The poster session will be on all five days of the conference to enable
greater interaction amongst researchers of related areas.
An informal reception will be held on the evening of 16th March '97.
The conference dinner will be held on the evening of 20th March '97.
A half day sightseeing tour is arranged after lunch on the 19th March.
Participants: US $ 325.00
Students: US $ 200.00
Official Travel Agent
All travel related requirements in India, like:
Delhi - Jaipur road transport,
Tour for Accompanying persons,
Sightseeing Tours and Travel Itenary
will be arranged by the official travel agent:
Rajasthan Travel Service
57, 1st Floor, Ganapati Plaza
M.I. Road, Jaipur 302001, India.
Contact Person: Mr. Dilip
tel: +91 141 365408, fax: +91 141 376935
telex 365-2069 RTS-IN
Travel Information
Nearest International Airport: Delhi
Our travel agent has agreed to setup a
reception desk for the incoming participants at the International
Arrival Lounge at Delhi Airport and collect people at frequent intervals
to send them to Jaipur by a coach or a car depending on the number and
the choice of the participants. The cost is expected to be minimal,
around 20-25 US Dollars per person, again depending on how many peple
share a car etc.
This will save trouble for those of you who want to take any form of
surface transport, you will not have to travel to the City Bus Stand or
the Rail Station (spending almost similar amount in taxi fare) and also
save time as the coaches can start right from the airport as and when
the requisite number of participants have arrived.
The airport at Delhi is on the way to Jaipur (you save 25 km of
commuting thru the town) and convenient also.
If you are interested to avail of this facility, kindly send your
request either to us or the travel agent directly at Jaipur.
Reception at Jaipur
It is envisaged that delegates sending prior information regarding their
travel plans will be received at the airport/railway station. Please
contact the ICPA-QGP'97 reception desk at the airport/railway station. The
charges for transfer to your place of stay will be Rs.100/- and Rs.50/- per
person from airport and railway station respectively.
Currency/Credit Cards
The currency unit in India is the Rupee. Foreign currency, travellers cheques
and credit cards are accepted in all major restaurants, hotels and shops. There
will be a currency exchange counter at the conference venue. Approximate
exchange rate is US $ 1 = Rs.35.
Accomodation and Arrival/Departure Chart
Accomodation and Arrival/Departure Chart
Name Hotel Arrival Departure
----------- ----------- ----------- -------------
M.C. Abreu Clarks Amer 14.03.97 21.03.97
R. Barbera (+1) ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
R. Bellwied ,, 14.03.97 20.03.97
I. Bombaci ,, 15.03.97 21.03.97
P. Braun-Munzinger ,, 13.03.97 22.03.97
J.J. Gaardhoje ,, 14.03.97 20.03.97
C. Gale (+1) ,, 15.03.97 23.03.97
T.J. Hallman ,, 14.03.97 20.03.97
J. Harris ,, 16.03.97 20.03.97
P. Jacobs (+1) ,, 16.03.97 24.03.97
F. Karsch ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
J. Madsen ,, 14.03.97 22.03.97
A. Palmeri (+1) ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
N. Porile (+1) ,, 15.03.97 22.03.97
M. Bedjidian Jaipur Palace 15.03.97 22.03.97
C. Blume ,, 10.03.97 27.03.97
P. Branchini (+1) ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
J. Cleymans ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
A. Drees (+1) ,, 18.03.97 25.03.97
M. Gonin ,, 15.03.97 22.03.97
M. Jaminon ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
H. Kalechofsky (+1) ,, 12.03.97 22.03.97
D. Kharzeev ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
L. Luquin ,, 12.03.97 22.03.97
S. Muroya ,, 16.03.97 25.03.97
W. Retyk ,, 16.03.97 22.03.97
L. Rosselet ,, 12.03.97 22.03.97
H. Schlagheck ,, 10.03.97 27.03.97
D. Schwarz ,, 15.03.97 22.03.97
T. Trainor ,, 13.03.97 22.03.97
F. Weber ,, 15.03.97 22.03.97
T. Awes C.D. (Haveli) 12.03.97 22.03.97
M. Brooks ,, 15.03.97 20.03.97
H. Gutbrod (+1) ,, 12.03.97 22.03.97
W. Kinnison ,, 15.03.97 21.03.97
D. Lee (+1) ,, 15.03.97 20.03.97
V. Lenti ,, 14.03.97 22.03.97
F. Plasil (+1) ,, 15.03.97 22.03.97
J. Simon-Gillo ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
F. Antinori C.D. (Huts) 15.03.97 17.03.97
W. Christie ,, 14.03.97 21.03.97
J. DeGroot ,, 15.03.97 17.03.97
P. Gutbrod ,, 12.03.97 22.03.97
M. Kurata ,, 12.03.97 21.03.97
L. Leistam ,, 14.03.97 17.03.97
Y. Miake ,, 12.03.97 21.03.97
A. Morsch (+1) ,, 15.03.97 17.03.97
D. Morrison ,, 16.03.97 22.03.97
S. Nishimura ,, 12.03.97 21.03.97
G. Paic (+1) ,, 15.03.97 17.03.97
Amlan Ray ,, 16.03.97 19.03.97
J. Schukraft ,, 15.03.97 17.03.97
K. Werner ,, 15.03.97 22.03.97
B. Wyslouch ,, 12.03.97 21.03.97
F. Antinori Narain Niwas 17.03.97 21.03.97
J.P. Blaizot ,, 14.03.97 20.03.97
J. DeGroot ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
J. Dodd ,, 16.03.97 23.03.97
L. Liestam ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
L. McLerran (+1) ,, 15.03.97 18.03.97
A. Morsch (+1) ,, 17.03.97 23.03.97
G. Paic (+1) ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
H. Satz ,, 16.03.97 22.03.97
J. Schukraft ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
R. Chidambaram ,, 16.03.97 18.03.97
V.S. Ramamurthy ,, 16.03.97 18.03.97
B.Sinha ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
M. Murray Hotel Mangal 16.03.97 22.03.97
M. Nagasawa ,, 17.03.97 21.03.97
S.M.H. Wong ,, 14.03.97 20.03.97
K. Kanaya (+1) Guest House 17.03.97 23.03.97
A. Kugler (+1) ,, 12.03.97 22.03.97
Y. Musakhanov (+1) ,, 17.03.97 22.03.97
S. Sadovsky ,, 16.03.97 21.03.97
K. Kapusta (+1) Self-arranged ????? ????
D. Schramm (+1) ,, 16.03.97 19.03.97
M. Steuer ,, ???? ????
R. Venugopalan ,, ???? ????
Deluxe Standard
(Single/sharing) (Single/sharing)
(per person) (per person)
1. Clarks Amer (8 km) $110/60 $90/50
2. Chokhi Dhani Resort (20 km) $76/38 $38/26
3. Hotel Jaipur Palace (4 km) $38/29
4. Hotel Khasa Kothi (4 km) $35/21 $24/15
5. Hotel Mangal/Jai Mangal/Yashoda (4 km)
Details can be found in DETAILED HOTEL INFORMATION
All the quoted rates may vary by 10-15%.
All foreigners will have to pay in convertible foreign exchange.
Jaipur is one of the most important tourist towns in India and
the month of March being the peak tourist season, the hotels are
normally booked four-to-six months in advance. Intending participants
are therefore advised to reserve their accommodation sufficiently in advance.
The hotel reservation may be made preferably through the Organising Committee.
Intending participants are requested to fill in the enclosed
Postscript), along with an advance payment of
one night's charge (e.g., a cheque of US$ 100 should accompany
a request for a Catagory A hotel) so that it
reaches the Convener ASAP.
The Conference Proceedings will be published by a publisher of international repute. To speed up the publications it is desired that manuscripts are submitted at the time of the conference. The length of the manuscripts for the invited talks will be about 12 pages and for the contributions selected for oral presentation it will be limited to 4 pages. A list of posters selected for display will also form a part of the proceedings.
Jaipur will have pleasant spring weather during mid- March with cool nights and comfortable day time. The day temperature will be around 30 degree Celsius and the night temperature may be around 16 degree Celsius. Light warm clothes may be required.
Jaipur, popularly known as the Pink City, is one of the most important tourist attractions in India situated about 300 km south of Delhi. It is very well connected by rail, road and air with Delhi. It is also connected with Bombay by air and rail. Jaipur also forms one of the vertices of the Tourist Triangle comprising Agra and Delhi.
The university of Rajasthan at Jaipur is the oldest University in the State of Rajasthan and this is the Golden Jubilee year. Each year over 100,000 students take their degrees in various disciplines.
The conference will be held at the B.M. Birla Science and Technology Centre which has a sprawling campus in the heart of the town having ultra modern convention facilities.
The Spring Festival of India,also known as HOLI (the Festival of colours) will be celebrated during 23-24 March, 1997. There are several other events, like the Khajuraho Dance Festival at Khajuraho and the Taj Festival in Agra also organized around that time. A detailed callender of these events are under preparation and will be mailed to interested persons after the calender is finalised and will also be posted on the web.
People are requested to contact this service either directly or through their own travel agent for all enquiries/bookings regarding the tours from Jaipur to various places and requests for staying at Delhi in between flight connections.Tour Programmes:
Name of tour Deluxe Standard No.of persons Twin sharing /single Twin sharing /single person supplement supplement Golden Triangle $130/45 $96/30 Golden " (Relaxed) $215/60 $150/40 Romantic Rajasthan $150/30 $115/25 Golden Rajasthan $250/40 $180/30 Golden Desert $320/35 $250/25 Camel Safari $565/300 ------- Tours will be arranged by the official travel agent of the ICPAQGP'97 Conference at Jaipur whose address is:
In addition to the tours detailed above, some other popular tours are one night/ two days tour to wildlife sanctuary, costing about a hundred US dollars. The tours can commence on any convenient date planned in advance.For any other tour in the country, fax your choice of tour and budget to our travel agents and they will make an itenary for you. Please contact our travel agents.DETAILED TOUR PROGRAMMES:
The two costs for the tours have been quoted for Class A(Deluxe)/ Class B (Standard) accommodation at the various places of stay during the tour.Golden Triangle
1 night/2 days Jaipur/Agra/Delhi Twin Sharing (per person) $ 130/96 Single Supplement $ 45 /30 Day 01 Morning : Drive to Agra via Fatehpur Sikri, which was once the capital city of Mughal Emperor Akbar Evening : Visit Taj Mahal in full moon light.Made of white marble, this is the world's greatest monument to the love of an emperor for his queen O/N : Hotel at Agra Day02 Morning : Drive to Delhi Afternoon: Sight Seeing in Delhi, few capitals in the world can compete with the number of monuments that this capital city has to offer. Transfer to airport for onward flightGolden Triangle (Relaxed)
2 nights/3 days Jaipur/Agra/Delhi Twin Sharing (per person) $ 215/150 Single Supplement $ 60 /40 Day 01 Morning : Drive to Agra via Fatehpur Sikri and Bharatpur, a spectacular water-bird sanctuary Evening : Visit Taj Mahal in full moon light O/N : Hotel at Agra Day 02 Morning : Visit Taj Mahal at sunrise. Visit the Red fort and Sikandra, a fusion of Muslim and Hindu Architectural styles Afternoon : Drive to Delhi O/N : hotel at Delhi Day 03 : Sight seeing in Delhi Transfer to airport for onward flightRomantic Rajasthan
2 nights/3 days Jaipur/Chittaur/Udaipur Twin Sharing (per person) $ 150/115 Single Supplement $ 30 /25 Day 01 Morning/ : Drive to Udaipur via Chittaurgarh, which is more than a Afternoon : ruined citadel, and has one of the largest forts in India, covering more than 700 acres of land. O/N : Hotel at Udaipur Day 02 Morning/ : Sightseeing in Udaipur Afternoon : S/S and short excursion O/N : Hotel at Udaipur Day 03 : Drive back to Jaipur via Kumbhalgarh fort, surrounded by more than 10 mountain peaks.Golden Rajasthan
3 nights/4 days Jaipur/Jodhpur/Jaiselmer/Bikaner Twin Sharing (per person) $ 250/180 Single Supplement $ 40 /30 Day 01 Morning : Drive to Jodhpur, entrance to the Thar Desert Day 02 Morning : Drive to Jaiselmer, which can only be described as spectacular! Afternoon : Free or excursion to the Sam dunes O/N : Hotel at Jaiselmer Day 03 Morning : Sight seeing in Jaiselmer Afternoon : Drive to Bikaner Options (i) O/N hotel at Bikaner Day 04 Morning : Sightseeing in Bikaner Afternoon: Drive to Jaipur (ii) Board train to reach Delhi next morningGolden Desert
4 nights/5 days Jaipur/Jodhpur/Jaiselmer/Bikaner Twin Sharing (per person) $ 320/250 Single Supplement $ 60/40 Day 01 Morning : Drive to Jodhpur, entrance to the Thar Desert Afternoon : Sightseeing in Jodhpur, palaces in red sandstone O/N : hotel at Jodhpur Day 02 Morning : Drive to Jaiselmer, which is only spectacular! Afternoon : Free or excursion to the Sam dunes O/N : Hotel at Jaiselmer Day 03 Morning : Sight seeing in Jaiselmer Afternoon : Drive to starting point of camel safari. Choose your camel and commence safar Dinner + O/N in camp Day 04 Morning : Short camel ride to Jaiselmer and then drive to Bikaner options (i) O/N hotel at Bikaner Day 05 Morning : Sightseeing in Bikaner Day 05 Morning : Sightseeing in Bikaner Afternoon: Drive to Jaipur (ii)Board train to reach Delhi next morningCamel Safari
8 nights/9 days Jaipur/Jodhpur/Jaiselmer/Bikaner Twin Sharing (per person) $ 565 Single Supplement $ 300 Day 01 Morning : Drive to Jodhpur, entrance to the Thar Desert Afternoon : Sightseeing in Jodhpur, palaces in red sandstone O/N : Hotel at Jodhpur Days 02 to 06 : Drive to Shergarh, starting point of camel safari. Choose your camel and commence safari. Lunch hault at Suralanda. After lunch continue safari for five days with five nights in camps. The suggested itenary is via Chaba(O/N) Bhilon ki Dhani, Vijaynada (O/N), Ramdeo Mandir, Rahul Nada(O/N), Balad, Rajmathai (O/N), Hariasar(O/N) Salient features: One person to a camel with camel driver with each camel. English speaking escort well versed with area and with knowledge of flora and fountain during the safari. Bansuri (Flute) player or Jogi singer to entertain during camel safari, and at dinner time. Distance covered on camels is likely to be 15-20 km. per day. Cushioned camel carts will accompany for convenience of those who so desire. Day 07 : After breakfast bid goodbye to your dear camels and drive to Jaiselmer to check in a hotel Afternoon : Free O/N : Hotel at Jaiselmer Day 08 Morning : City tour of Jaiselmer to visit Magnificently carved Havelis, Jain temples and fort Afternoon : Drive to Bikaner O/N : Hotel at Bikaner Day 09 Morning : City tour of Bikaner to visit Junagadh fort and camel breeding farm Afternoon : Drive to Jaipur The cost includes accommodation on twin sharing basis, all meals throughout the tour, local guide for city sightseeing, entrance fee to various monuments. Private car (non air conditioned) for all road transport. For all other tours, cost includes (1)Accommodation on twin sharing basis as per itenary (2)Breakfast throughout (3)English speaking guide for all places, entrance fee to various monuments. (4)Meeting/Assistance at all places, porterage (5)Air conditioned or first class train fare from Bikaner to Delhi (6)Non airconditioned transport by road Cost does NOT include (1) Any airfare (2) Personal expenses like drinks/ medication/ insurance etc. (3) Anything that is not mentioned in includes
Accompanying Person's Programmes Choice(s) No.of Cost per Total persons person cost 17th March '97 Samode Tour $ 22 18th March '97 Ajmer Dargah Sharif/Pushkar Tour $ 28 20th March '97 Jaigarh/Nahagarh/Ramgarh Tour $ 30 1st March '97 Siliserh Lake/ Sariska Wild Life $ 25 Sanctuary Tour Cheque/Bank Draft must be made payable to "ICPA-QGP'97" and must be sent to Convener/Secretary, Local Organizing Committee, ICPA-QGP'97, Department of Physics, University of Rajasthan, Jaipur 302004, India.
Now the details
Samode Tour
March 17th $ 22 per person Full day excursion to Samode, about 45 km from Jaipur. The old palace provides a gorgeous example of Rajput Haveli architecture. Visit Samode Palace and village. Lunch at Palace.Ajmer Dargah Sharif/Pushkar Tour
March 18th $ 28 per person About 150 km. from Jaipur, visit the tomb of Muin-ud-din Chishti. This pilgrim centre is considered as second Mecca/Madina by many Muslims. Visit Pushkar Ghat and the Lord Brahma temple. Lunch at Pushkar Palace.Jaigarh/Nahargarh/Ramgarh Tour
March 20th $ 30 per person Jaigarh, one of the military structures of Mediaeval India, houses one of the largest mounted cannons in the country. Beyond the hills of Jaigarh is the fort of Nahargarh, guarding Sawai Jai Singh,s capital city. Ramgarh is a huge artificial lake where an old palace is now a hotel. Lunch at this Taj Hunting Lodge.Siliserh Lake/Sariska Wild Life Sanctuary tour
March 21st $ 25 per person About 150 km. from Jaipur, the lake covers about 10 sq.km. and is surrounded by hills. The Sariska sanctuary offers an opportunity to see a variety of animals at close range. Lunch at Sariska Palace. Since a large number of delegates are to be here from 13th to 15th March for the WA93/98 collaboration meeting and/or the STAR/ALICE meeting,(or for whatever reason) one of the above mentioned tours can be arranged on request on the 15th/16th March.
International Advisory Committee
C. Alcock, Livermore T. Awes, Oak Ridge G. Baym, Urbana A. Bialas, Kracow J.P. Blaizot, Saclay P. Braun-Munzinger, Darmstadt J. Cleymans, Cape Town R. Cowsik, Bangalore M. Della-Negra, Geneva C. Gale, Montreal S.N. Ganguli, Mumbai H.A. Gustafsson, Lund H. Gutbrod, Nantes Y. Hama, Sao Paulo J. Harris, Berkeley R.C. Hwa, Oregon B. Jacak, Los Alamos B.K. Jain, Mumbai H. Kamitsubo, Wako-Saitama S.S. Kapoor, Mumbai J. Kapusta, Minnesota P.K. Kaw, Ahmedabad C.H. Llewellyn-Smith, Geneva T. Ludlam, Upton,N.Y. J. Madsen, Aarhus J. Maharana, Bhubaneswar H.S. Mani, Allahabad V. Manko, Moscow L. McLerran, Minnesota S. Nagamiya, Columbia J.C. Parikh, Ahmedabad F. Plasil, Oak Ridge R. Ramachandran, Madras V.S. Ramamurthy, New Delhi D.P. Roy, Mumbai V. Ruuskanen, Helsinki H. Satz, Bielefeld D. Schramm, Chicago J. Schukraft, Geneva E.V. Shuryak, Stony Brook V. Singh, Mumbai B. Sinha, Calcutta H. Specht, Darmstadt R. Stock, Frankfurt I. Tserruya, Rehovot K. Yagi, Tsukuba G. Zinoviev, Kiev
Organizing Committee
K.B. Bhalla, Jaipur V.S. Bhatia, Chandigarh R.K. Chaudhury, Mumbai J.N. De, Calcutta B. Datta, Bangalore R. Gavai, Mumbai K. Kar, Calcutta V. Kumar, Jaipur L.K. Mangotra, Jammu S. Pal, Calcutta S.C. Phatak, Bhubaneswar S. Raha, Calcutta S. Raniwala, Jaipur B.K. Sharma, Jaipur B. Sinha, Calcutta (Chairman) D.K. Srivastava, Calcutta Y.P. Viyogi, Calcutta (Convener)
Local Organising Committee (at Jaipur)
A.K.Arora Raj.Univ. K.B.Bhalla, Convener Raj.Univ. A.Bharti Raj.Univ. D.Bhatnagar Raj.Univ. T.N.Bhatnagar Raj.Univ. R.S.Chhabra Raj.Univ. D.R.Chaudhary Raj.Univ. A.Gill Raj.DST S.K.Gupta Raj.Univ. R.P.Jain Raj.DST A.Krishnamurthy Raj.Univ. V.Kumar Raj.Univ. V.D.Mathur BMBSTC A.K.Nagawat Raj.Univ. R.Raniwala Raj.Univ. S.Raniwala,Secretary Raj.Univ. M.P.Saksena Raj.Univ. B.K.Sharma,Chairman Raj.Univ. B.K.Shrivastava Raj.Univ. Y.K.Vijay Raj.Univ.