Submission of Abstracts : 15 December 1996 Hotel Request : 15 January 1997 Advance Registration : 15 January 1997
Variable Energy Cyclotron Centre
1/AF, Bidhan Nagar , Calcutta - 700064
Tel: 91 33 3370032/1230
Fax: 91 33 3346871
Telegram: VECBARC CALCUTTA, Telex: 21-4526 VECC IN
The conference is open to all working in the subjects related to the topic given above. Young researchers are encouraged to participate. Persons interested to participate are requested to fill in the REGISTRATION FORM (in Latex, Postscript), and send to the Convener latest by 15 January 1997.
The conference will have plenary, parallel and poster sessions. The invited talks will be mostly presented in the plenary sessions, however, a limited number of invited talks of very specific nature may be included in special parallel sessions. Contributed papers will be reviewed and selected for oral or poster presentation.
One-page contributions are invited in a camera ready format prepared within a space of 23 cm * 16 cm. It should be preferably prepared in latex or should be neatly typed. The deadline for the contributions to reach the Conference Convener is 15 December, 1996. The participants will be informed latest by 31 December 1996 if their contributions are selected for oral or poster presentation. A book of abstracts will be prepared and distributed to the participants at the time of the conference.
Registration fee for the conference will be as follows:
Participants: US $ 300.00 upto 15 January 1997 US $ 325.00 afterwards Students: US $ 180.00 upto 15 January 1997 US $ 200.00 afterwards
The fee includes Conference proceedings, lunches and the Conference Dinner. Accompanying person may also be registered for US $ 200.00 covering all the entitlements of the participants except the proceedings. The payment must be made through a cheque/bank draft payable to "International Conference on Physics and Astrophysics of Quark Gluon Plasma". Please use the REGISTRATION FORM (in Latex, Postscript, while mailing your cheque / bank draft to the Convener.
Jaipur has different catagories of hotels to suit anyone's budget. Given below are the prevailing rates for hotels of different catagories.
Catagory A : ranges from US$90 to US$140 per night (taxes extra); rates in Indian Rupees on request, US$ 1 = Rs. 35 (approx.). Catagory B : ranges from Rs. 1200 to Rs. 2000 per night Catagory C: ranges from Rs. 400 to Rs. 700 per night Catagory D : ranges from Rs. 100 to Rs. 350 per night.All the above rates may vary by 10-15%. All foreigners will have to pay in convertible foreign exchange. Jaipur is one of the most important tourist towns in India and the month of March being the peak tourist season, the hotels are normally booked four-to-six months in advance. Intending participants are therefore advised to reserve their accomodation sufficiently in advance. The hotel reservation may be made preferably through the Organising Committee. Intending participants are requested to fill in the enclosed ACCOMODATION REQUEST FORM (in Latex, Postscript), and send to the Convener latest by 15 Jan, 1997 along with an advance payment of one night's charge (e.g., a cheque of US$ 100 should accompany a request for a Catagory A hotel) so that it reaches the Convener latest by 15 Jan. 1997.
The Conference Proceedings will be published by a publisher of international repute. To speed up the publications it is desired that manuscripts are submitted at the time of the conference. The length of the manuscripts for the invited talks will be about 12 pages and for the contributions selected for oral presentation it will be limited to 4 pages. A list of posters selected for display will also form a part of the proceedings.
Jaipur will have pleasant spring weather during mid- March with cool nights and comfortable day time. The day temperature will be around 30 degree Celsius and the night temperature may be around 16 degree Celsius. Light warm clothes may be required.
Jaipur, popularly known as the Pink City, is one of the most important tourist attractions in India situated about 300 km south of Delhi. It is very well connected by rail, road and air with Delhi. It is also connected with Bombay by air and rail. Jaipur also forms one of the vertices of the Tourist Triangle comprising Agra and Delhi.
The university of Rajasthan at Jaipur is the oldest University in the State of Rajasthan and this is the Golden Jubilee year. Each year over 100,000 students take their degrees in various disciplines.
The conference will be held at the B.M. Birla Science and Technology Centre which has a sprawling campus in the heart of the town having ultra modern convention facilities.
The Spring Festival of India,also known as HOLI (the Festival of colours) will be celebrated during 23-24 March, 1997. There are several other events, like the Khajuraho Dance Festival at Khajuraho and the Taj Festival in Agra also organized around that time. A detailed callender of these events are under preparation and will be mailed to interested persons after the calender is finalised and will also be posted on the web.
Persons desirous of taking tours may contact the Organisors. . Approximate rates for some of the popular tours are given below.
Places Covered Duration Cost (by car)(by coach) 1. Agra (the city of Tajmahal) 1 night/2 days US$70 US$50 and Bharatpur (bird sanctuary) 2. Ajmer, Chittorgarh and Udaipur 2 nights/3days US$110 US$80 3. Ajmer, Jodhpur and Jaisalmer 3 nights/4days US$190 US$150
Programmes comprising tours of the city and neigbourhoods, shopping and cultural fests will be organised for accompanying persons if the response is adequate.
International Advisory Committee
C. Alcock, Livermore T. Awes, Oak Ridge G. Baym, Urbana A. Bialas, Kracow J.P. Blaizot, Saclay P. Braun-Munzinger, Darmstadt J. Cleymans, Cape Town R. Cowsik, Bangalore M. Della-Negra, Geneva C. Gale, Montreal S.N. Ganguli, Mumbai H.A. Gustafsson, Lund H. Gutbrod, Nantes Y. Hama, Sao Paulo J. Harris, Berkeley R.C. Hwa, Oregon B. Jacak, Los Alamos B.K. Jain, Mumbai H. Kamitsubo, Wako-Saitama S.S. Kapoor, Mumbai J. Kapusta, Minnesota P.K. Kaw, Ahmedabad C.H. Llewellyn-Smith, Geneva T. Ludlam, Upton,N.Y. J. Madsen, Aarhus J. Maharana, Bhubaneswar H.S. Mani, Allahabad V. Manko, Moscow L. McLerran, Minnesota S. Nagamiya, Columbia J.C. Parikh, Ahmedabad F. Plasil, Oak Ridge R. Ramachandran, Madras V.S. Ramamurthy, New Delhi D.P. Roy, Mumbai V. Ruuskanen, Helsinki H. Satz, Bielefeld D. Schramm, Chicago J. Schukraft, Geneva E.V. Shuryak, Stony Brook V. Singh, Mumbai B. Sinha, Calcutta H. Specht, Darmstadt R. Stock, Frankfurt I. Tserruya, Rehovot K. Yagi, Tsukuba G. Zinoviev, Kiev
Organizing Committee
K.B. Bhalla, Jaipur V.S. Bhatia, Chandigarh R.K. Chaudhury, Mumbai J.N. De, Calcutta B. Datta, Bangalore R. Gavai, Mumbai K. Kar, Calcutta V. Kumar, Jaipur L.K. Mangotra, Jammu S. Pal, Calcutta S.C. Phatak, Bhubaneswar S. Raha, Calcutta S. Raniwala, Jaipur B.K. Sharma, Jaipur B. Sinha, Calcutta (Chairman) D.K. Srivastava, Calcutta Y.P. Viyogi, Calcutta (Convener)
Local Organising Committee (at Jaipur)
A.K. Arora(Raj.U) K.B. Bhalla(Raj.U), Convener Aruna Bharati(Raj.U) Usha Chandra(Raj.U) D.R. Chaudhary(Raj.U) Amita Gill (Raj. DST) S.K. Gupta(Raj.U) R.P. Jain(Raj. DST) Anjali Krishnamurthy(Raj.U) V. Kumar(Raj.U) V.D. Mathur (BMBSTC) S. Raniwala(Raj.U), Secretary M.P. Saxena(Raj.U) B.K. Sharma(Raj.U), Chairman Y.K. Vijay(Raj.U)
F. Antinori, Padova (Italy) T. Awes, Oak Ridge(USA) J.P. Blaizot, Saclay (France) P. Braun-Munzinger, Darmstadt(FRG) J. Cleymans, Cape Town (South Africa) H. Crawford, Berkeley (USA) A. Drees, Heidelberg (FRG) G. Fuller, San Diego (USA) C. Gale, McGill (Canada) S. Gavin(*), Brookhaven (USA) K.K. Geiger, Brookhaven(USA) M. Gonin, Palaiseau (France) H. Gutbrod, Nantes (France) J. Harris, Yale (USA) R. Hwa(*), Oregon (USA) B. Jacak, Los Alamos (USA) P. Jacob, Berkeley (USA) K. Kanaya, Tsukuba (Japan) J. Kapusta, Minnesota (USA) D. Kharzeev, Bielefeld (FRG) J. Madsen, Aarhus (Denmark) L. McLerran, Minnesota (USA) D. Morrison, Tenessee (USA) S. Pratt(*), East Lansing (USA) S. Raha(*), Calcutta (India) G. Rai, Berkeley (USA) P.V. Ruuskanen, Jyvaskyla (Finland) H. Satz, Bielefeld (FRG) D. Schramm, Chicago (USA) J. Schukraft, CERN (Switzerland) A.M. Srivastava, Bhubaneswar (India) D.K. Srivastava, Calcutta (India) T. Trainor, Seatle (USA) A. Tounsi, Paris (France) I. Tserruya, Rehovot (Israel) F. Webber, Munich (FRG) (*) to be confirmed.